New AI Tools 2023 for all Categories (Updated)

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an advanced technology that uses machine learning algorithms to produce original content, including images, sounds, and texts. By analyzing vast amounts of data during the training process, generative AI can create unique and unprecedented outputs. These outputs can include photorealistic images, digital art, music, and written works that are often indistinguishable from those created by humans. The applications of generative AI span various fields, including art, entertainment, marketing, academia, and computer science.

For a deeper understanding of generative AI and its implications, I recommend the following readings:

  1. “How Large Language Models Will Transform Science, Society, and AI” – This article provides a summary of the capabilities and limitations of GPT-3, a prominent language model, and its potential impact on society. It was authored by Alex Tamkin and Deep Ganguli on February 5, 2021.
  2. “Generative AI: A Creative New World” – This comprehensive examination of the generative AI industry offers a historical perspective and in-depth analysis of the industry ecosystem. The authors, Sonya Huang, Pat Grady, and GPT-3, present their insights in this article published on September 19, 2022.
  3. “A Coming-Out Party for Generative AI, Silicon Valley’s New Craze” – Published by the New York Times on October 21, 2022, this article discusses the rise of generative AI, highlighting the success of the Stable Diffusion image generator and the associated controversies.
  4. “AI’s New Creative Streak Sparks a Silicon Valley Gold Rush” – Wired published this article on October 27, 2022, focusing on the increasing hype and investment in generative AI startups. It explores the various industries exploring the potential applications of this technology.
  5. “ChatGPT Heralds an Intellectual Revolution” – This op-ed by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher, published in the Wall Street Journal on February 24, 2023, discusses the intellectual revolution brought about by ChatGPT, a language model similar to the one you are interacting with now.

These recommended readings will provide you with valuable insights into the world of generative AI and its impact on our society and various industries.


  1. OpenAI API – On June 11, 2020, OpenAI announced the OpenAI API, which allows access to text-to-text general-purpose AI models based on GPT-3. This development opened up possibilities for various natural language tasks. You can find more details in the OpenAI blog post.
  2. GitHub Copilot – On June 29, 2021, GitHub introduced Copilot, an AI pair programmer designed to assist developers in writing better code. This AI-powered tool provides code suggestions and aids in the coding process. For more information, refer to the GitHub blog post.
  3. DALL·E 2 – OpenAI announced the release of DALL·E 2 on April 6, 2022. DALL·E 2 is an advanced image generation system that offers improved resolution, expanded image creation capabilities, and safety mitigations. OpenAI’s blog post provides further insights into this innovation.
  4. Stable Diffusion Public Release – On August 22, 2022, Stable Diffusion, an AI-based image generation model, was publicly released. Trained on a broad internet scrape, this model allows users to generate images and is licensed under a Creative ML OpenRAIL-M license. The Stable Diffusion blog post offers more details.
  5. ChatGPT – OpenAI introduced ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. ChatGPT is a conversational model trained to answer follow-up questions, acknowledge mistakes, challenge incorrect assumptions, and refuse inappropriate requests. The OpenAI blog post provides further information about this chatbot model.
  6. Bing Search – Microsoft announced a new version of its search engine, Bing, on February 7, 2023. This version is powered by a next-generation OpenAI model, enhancing the search experience. For more details, refer to the Microsoft blog post.
  7. GPT-4 – OpenAI announced GPT-4 on March 14, 2023. GPT-4 is a large multimodal model, showcasing advancements in generative AI. The OpenAI blog post shares additional information about this model.



  • GPT-3 – OpenAI’s API provides access to GPT-3, a powerful language model capable of performing various natural language tasks. It also includes Codex, which translates natural language into code.
  • Gopher – Gopher, developed by DeepMind, is a language model with 280 billion parameters. It focuses on large-scale language modeling, and you can learn more about its ethical considerations and retrieval in the DeepMind blog post.
  • OPT – Open Pretrained Transformers (OPT) is a suite of decoder-only pre-trained transformers by Facebook. OPT-175B, one of the models in this suite, offers text generation capabilities. You can find the announcement in the Facebook blog post, and the OPT-175B text generation hosted by Alpa.
  • Bloom – Bloom, created by Hugging Face, is a language model similar to GPT-3. It has been trained on 46 different languages and 13 programming languages, expanding its versatility.


  • ChatGPT – OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a large language model designed for conversational interactions. It engages users in conversations and provides responses based on the input received.
  • Bing Chat – Bing Chat is a conversational AI language model powered by Microsoft Bing. It offers interactive conversations and assistance to users.
  • BardBard is an experimental AI chatbot developed by Google and powered by the LaMDA model. It aims to provide engaging and informative conversations.

Writing assistants

  • Jasper – Jasper is an AI-powered tool that helps you create content faster by leveraging artificial intelligence.
  • Compose AI – Compose AI is a free Chrome extension that utilizes AI-powered autocompletion to cut your writing time by 40%. It assists in generating content while you write.
  • Rytr – Rytr is an AI writing assistant that supports the creation of high-quality content. It provides suggestions and aids in the writing process.
  • wordtune – wordtune is a personal writing assistant that helps enhance your writing. It offers suggestions and improvements to make your content more effective.
  • HyperWrite – HyperWrite is a writing assistant designed to boost productivity and confidence in the writing process. It assists from ideation to the final draft, helping you write faster.
  • Moonbeam – Moonbeam allows you to create better blogs in less time. It streamlines the writing process and provides tools for efficient content creation.
  • – is an AI-powered platform that helps improve marketing copy and content writing. It offers assistance and suggestions for more impactful and engaging content.
  • Anyword – Anyword’s AI writing assistant generates effective copy for various purposes. It provides assistance in crafting compelling content.
  • Contenda – Contenda enables content creation based on existing content. It helps generate new content that aligns with the interests of your audience.
  • Hypotenuse AI – Hypotenuse AI converts keywords into original and insightful articles, product descriptions, and social media copy. It helps streamline the content creation process.
  • Lavender – Lavender is an email assistant designed to increase response rates in less time. It provides support in composing effective emails.
  • Lex – Lex is a word processor integrated with artificial intelligence capabilities. It assists in writing faster and more efficiently.
  • Jenni – Jenni is a comprehensive writing assistant that saves hours in ideation and writing time. It offers valuable insights and support throughout the writing process.
  • LAIKA – LAIKA is an AI writing assistant that personalizes its output based on your own writing. It serves as a creative partner-in-crime, tailored to your specific style.
  • QuillBot – QuillBot is an AI-powered paraphrasing tool. It helps rephrase and refine sentences while maintaining the original meaning.
  • Postwise – Postwise is an AI-powered platform for writing and scheduling social media posts. It assists in crafting engaging tweets and growing your following.
  • Copysmith – Copysmith is an AI content creation solution designed for enterprise and eCommerce purposes. It streamlines the content creation process for businesses.

ChatGPT extensions

  • WebChatGPT – WebChatGPT is a Chrome extension that enhances ChatGPT prompts with relevant results from the web, providing more comprehensive responses.
  • GPT for Sheets and Docs – GPT for Sheets and Docs is a ChatGPT extension for Google Sheets and Google Docs. It integrates ChatGPT capabilities directly into these productivity tools.
  • YouTube Summary with ChatGPT – YouTube Summary with ChatGPT is a Chrome extension that uses ChatGPT to generate summaries of YouTube videos. It provides concise overviews of video content.
  • ChatGPT Prompt Genius – ChatGPT Prompt Genius is a Chrome extension that allows users to discover, share, import, and use the best prompts for ChatGPT. It also enables users to save their chat history locally.
  • ChatGPT for Search Engines – ChatGPT for Search Engines is a Chrome extension that displays ChatGPT responses alongside search results from Google, Bing, and DuckDuck.
  • ShareGPT – ShareGPT is a platform where users can share their ChatGPT conversations and explore conversations shared by others. It facilitates collaborative learning and idea exchange.
  • Merlin – Merlin is a ChatGPT Plus extension that works on all websites. It provides access to ChatGPT Plus features and capabilities across various online platforms.
  • ChatGPT Writer – ChatGPT Writer is a tool that leverages ChatGPT AI to generate entire emails and messages. It assists in composing written communication efficiently.
  • ChatGPT for Jupyter – ChatGPT for Jupyter is an extension that adds various helper functions to Jupyter Notebooks and Jupyter Lab. It enhances the capabilities of these environments with ChatGPT-powered features.
  • editGPT – editGPT is a platform that facilitates proofreading, editing, and tracking changes to written content using ChatGPT. It assists in refining and improving the quality of text.
  • Chatbot UI – Chatbot UI is an open-source user interface for ChatGPT. It provides a customizable interface for interacting with ChatGPT models.
  • Forefront – Forefront is a platform that aims to enhance the ChatGPT experience. It offers features and improvements for a better user experience with ChatGPT.

Productivity platforms

  • Mem – Mem is an AI-powered workspace personalized to individual users. It amplifies creativity, automates mundane tasks, and helps users stay organized automatically.
  • Taskade – Taskade is a productivity platform that integrates AI to outline tasks, take notes, generate structured lists, and create mind maps. It enhances productivity and organization.
  • Notion AI – Notion AI incorporates artificial intelligence to improve note-taking and document creation. It assists in writing better and more efficiently within the Notion platform.

Meeting Assistants

  • A meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, automatically captures slides, and generates summaries.
  • Cogram: Cogram takes automatic notes in virtual meetings and identifies action items.
  • Sybill: Sybill generates summaries of sales calls, including next steps, pain points, and areas of interest, by combining transcript and emotion-based insights.
  • Loopin AI: Loopin is a collaborative meeting workspace that enables you to record, transcribe, and summarize meetings using AI. It also helps you auto-organize meeting notes on top of your calendar.


  • Elicit: Elicit uses language models to help automate research workflows, like parts of literature review.
  • genei: Summarize academic articles in seconds and save 80% of your research time.
  • Explainpaper: A better way to read academic papers. Upload a paper, highlight confusing text, and get an explanation.
  • Galactica: A large language model for science that can summarize academic literature, solve math problems, generate Wiki articles, write scientific code, annotate molecules and proteins, and more. They also provide a Model API.
  • GPTZero: A tailored solution for educators to responsibly adopt AI technologies in schools.
  • Consensus: Consensus is a search engine that uses AI to find answers in scientific research.

Other Text Generators

  • EmailTriager: Use AI to automatically draft email replies in the background.
  • AI Poem Generator: AI Poem Generator writes a beautiful rhyming poem for you on any subject, given a text prompt.

Developer Tools

  • co:here: Cohere provides access to advanced Large Language Models and NLP tools.
  • Haystack: A framework for building NLP applications (e.g., agents, semantic search, question-answering) with language models.
  • LangChain: A framework for developing applications powered by language models.
  • gpt4all: A chatbot trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories, and dialogue.
  • LMQL: LMQL is a query language for large language models.


  • GitHub Copilot: GitHub Copilot uses the OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor.
  • OpenAI Codex: An AI system by OpenAI that translates natural language to code.
  • Ghostwriter: An AI-powered pair programmer by Replit.
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer: Build applications faster with the ML-powered coding companion.
  • tabnine: Code faster with whole-line & full-function
  • Stenography: Automatic code documentation.
  • Mintlify: AI-powered documentation writer.
  • Debuild: AI-powered low-code tool for web apps.
  • AI2sql: With AI2sql, engineers and non-engineers can easily write efficient, error-free SQL queries without knowing SQL.
  • Pygma: Turn Figma designs into high-quality code.
  • CodiumAI: With CodiumAI, you get non-trivial tests suggested right inside your IDE, so you stay confident when you push.
  • MutableAI: AI Accelerated Software Development.
  • OpenAI Cookbook: Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API.
  • TurboPilot: A self-hosted Copilot clone that uses the library behind llama.cpp to run the 6 Billion Parameter Salesforce Codegen model in 4GiB of RAM.



  • DALL·E 2: DALL·E 2 by OpenAI is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
  • Stable Diffusion: Stable Diffusion by Stability AI is a state-of-the-art text-to-image model that generates images from text.
  • Midjourney: Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species.
  • Imagen: Imagen by Google is a text-to-image diffusion model with an unprecedented degree of photorealism and a deep level of language understanding.
  • Make-A-Scene: Make-A-Scene by Meta is a multimodal generative AI method that puts creative control in the hands of people who use it by allowing them to describe and illustrate their vision through both text descriptions and freeform sketches.


  • Craiyon: Craiyon, formerly DALL-E mini, is an AI model that can draw images from any text prompt.
  • DreamStudio: DreamStudio is an easy-to-use interface for creating images using the Stable Diffusion image generation model.
  • Artbreeder: Artbreeder is a new type of creative tool that empowers users’ creativity by making it easier to collaborate and explore.
  • GauGAN2: GauGAN2 is a robust tool for creating photorealistic art using a combination of words and drawings, as it integrates segmentation mapping, inpainting, and text-to-image production in a single model.
  • Magic Eraser: Remove unwanted things from images in seconds.
  • Imagine by Magic Studio: A tool by Magic Studio that lets you express yourself by just describing what’s on your mind.
  • Alpaca: Stable Diffusion Photoshop plugin.
  • []( is an app for creating images with Stable Diffusion, a cutting-edge AI developed by Stability.AI.
  • GenShare: Generate art in seconds for free. Own and share what you create. A multimedia generative studio, democratizing design and creativity.
  • Playground AI: Playground AI is a free-to-use online AI image creator. Use it to create art, social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, and more.
  • Pixelz AI Art Generator: Pixelz AI Art Generator enables you to create incredible art from text. It offers Stable Diffusion, CLIP Guided Diffusion, and PXL·E realistic algorithms.
  • modyfi: The image editor you’ve always wanted. AI-powered creative tools in your browser. Real-time collaboration.
  • Ponzu: Ponzu is your free AI logo generator. Build your brand with creatively designed logos in seconds, using only your imagination.
  • PhotoRoom: Create product and portrait pictures using only your phone. Remove backgrounds, change backgrounds, and showcase products.
  • Avatar AI: Create your own AI-generated avatars.
  • ClipDrop: Create professional visuals without a photo studio.
  • Lensa: An all-in-one image editing app that includes the generation of personalized avatars using Stable Diffusion.
  • RunDiffusion: Cloud-based workspace for creating AI-generated art.
  • ClipDrop: Create professional visuals without a photo studio, powered by code completions.

Image Libraries

  • Lexica: Discover a stable diffusion search engine.
  • Libraire: Explore the largest library of AI-generated images.
  • KREA: Find millions of AI-generated images and create collections of prompts using stable diffusion generations.
  • OpenArt: Search through 10 million+ prompts and generate AI art using Stable Diffusion and DALL·E 2.

Model Libraries

  • Civitai: Collaborative AI model sharing platform driven by the community.
  • Stable Diffusion Models: Comprehensive list of Stable Diffusion checkpoints on

Stable Diffusion Resources


  • RunwayML: Next-generation content creation suite with AI tools, real-time collaboration, and precision editing.
  • Synthesia: Create videos from plain text within minutes.
  • Rephrase AI: Hyper-personalized video creation at scale with AI technology.
  • Hour One: Turn text into video with virtual presenters automatically.
  • D-ID: Create and interact with talking avatars at the touch of a button.



  • Resemble AI: AI voice generator and voice cloning for text-to-speech.
  • WellSaid: Real-time text-to-voice conversion.
  • AI voice generator to convert text to realistic audio.
  • Coqui: Generative AI for voice.
  • Podcast generated entirely by AI using text-to-voice AI.
  • VALL-E X: Cross-lingual neural codec language model for cross-lingual speech synthesis.


  • Harmonai: Open-source generative audio tools for accessible and fun music production.
  • Mubert: Royalty-free music ecosystem for content creators, brands, and developers.
  • MusicLM: Google Research model for generating high-fidelity music from text descriptions.


  • [Diagram]( Magical platform for designing products using innovative techniques.
  • PromptBase: Marketplace for buying and selling quality prompts for DALL·E, GPT-3, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion.
  • This Image Does Not Exist: Test your ability to distinguish between human and computer-generated images.
  • Have I Been Trained?: Check if your image has been used to train popular AI art models.
  • AI Dungeon: Text-based adventure-story game where you direct and star in the story while AI brings it to life.
  • Clickable: AI-powered tool to generate beautiful, brand-consistent, and highly converting ads for all marketing channels.
  • Scale Spellbook: Build, compare, and deploy large language model apps with Scale Spellbook.
  • Scenario: AI-generated gaming assets for developers.
  • Brandmark: AI-based logo design tool for creating unique logos.
  • Teleprompter: On-device AI for meetings that listens and provides charismatic quote suggestions.
  • Gamma: Create beautiful presentations and webpages effortlessly without formatting and design work.
  • Learn Prompting: Free and open-source course on communicating effectively with artificial intelligence.
  • FinChat: AI-powered answers to questions about public companies and investors.

More Lists

  • Open LLMs: A list of open large language models available for commercial use.

Lists on ChatGP

Autonomous Agents

  • Auto-GPT: An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
  • babyagi: An AI-powered task management system.
  • AgentGPT: A platform to assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI agents in your browser.

These resources provide a glimpse into the wide range of tools, platforms, and applications available in the AI landscape. Whether you’re looking for image libraries, model libraries, video creation tools, speech or music generation platforms, or even AI-powered agents, these resources offer valuable options to explore and utilize in your projects.

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